Bloody Eco-System serves as a commentary on the significance of water as a unifying force. At its core, Bloody Eco-system consists of two enigmatic, gender-neutral bodies engaged in a perpetual exchange of fluids.
Drawing inspiration from the insights of Astrida Neimanis in her text ’Bodies of Water,’ the fountain sculpture highlights the idea that water not only sustains our physical bodies but also connects us with other bodies and the broader natural world. Bloody eco-system invites viewers to contemplate the profound interconnectedness that characterizes our existence, transcending traditional boundaries between humans, animals, and nature.
In this unconventional narrative, Bloody Eco-System provides a whimsical and artistic lens through which to explore the fluid bonds that unite us in a world where water plays a pivotal role in our shared experience.
Bloody Eco-system Past Shows:
2023 Kunsthal 6100, Haderslev, Denmark.